viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

My Passion

It's this need to have you. It's that desire to live attached to you. It's the fear of losing what once I lived. It's to want to live and die for you. It's to hate you more than the lies and to love you more than the hate. It's this addiction to your poison. It's your blood running through my veins. It's your rage that poisons me. It's expected to end to this conviction. And yet, you're the passion that fills me.
[Es esa necesidad de tenerte. Es ese deseo de vivir atada a ti. Es el miedo de perder lo que un día viví. Es quere vivir y morir por ti. Es odiarte más que a la mentira y amarte más que al odio. Es esta adicción a ese veneno. Es tu sangre correr por mis venas. Es tu rabia la que me envenena. Es esperar acabar con esta condena. Y sin embargo, eres la pasión que me llena.]

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